(1)  The only photo currently available of Samuel Wilkinson (1833 - 1896).  This is a
scan of polaroid photo taken by Herman T. Wilkinson while researching the Wilkinson
Family in 1967 of an original photo.  The current location of the original photo is
(2)  A touched up scan of an original photo of Samuel Wilkinson's farm, taken in the
1880's.  The farm is located just off of Browning Road to the east of New Castle.
(3)  During a trip to New Castle in 2009 I visited the land that was Samuel Wilkinson's
farm.  I found the barn still estant on the property to be the original barn Samuel
constructed in the 1860's.  The farm house remained intact until it was destroyed by
fire in 1993.  The photos document the hand hewn frame structure of the barn.  The
Wilkinsons were know as good barn raisers.  There is a history of wood working that
goes back beyong the time of documentation and includes coopery (barrel making).  
There are still a variety of wooden storage barrels and boxes in possession of various
family members.
(4)  James Wilkinson at
age 21, taken in 1886,  
This is a scan of a polaroid
photo taken of an original
photo.  The original later
surfaced among Herman
Wilkinsons' effects after his
(5)  Photo of James Wilkinson's farm, located somewhere off of Browning Road east
of New Castle, Indiana.  The exact location and whether any of these buildings still
exist is unknown.
(6)  James Wilkinson circa 1900.  Taken just before his "time of troubles" begins.  In
1902 his first wife dies of an unspecified illness.  Minnie Williams is brought into the
house as a housekeeper to take care of the children during Luella's illness.  Eighteen
months after Luella's death James and Minnie are married.  Two children come from
that union, Marie and Herman.  James and Minnie are divorced at some point in the
early 1920's.  It is a messy situation.
(7)  A family portrait taken in 1905.  James and Minnie are in the foreground.  Marie
sits on Minnie's lap.  The girls in the background are Naomi and Hassel.  The dog on
Minnie's lap is named Guy.  I believe that the photo may have been arranged to
celebrate Minnie's pregnancy with Herman.
(8)  A family reunion photo, perhaps from 1906 or 1907.  In the center sits Angeline
Hubbard Wilkinson, wife of Samuel Wilkinson.    James Wilkinson stands at the back
on the extreme right.  I cannot identify any of the other people.  From what is written
on the back I assume Herman and Marie are present.  Angeline died in 1907.
(9)  James Wilkinson wrote this on the back of the above photo.  His pain is clearly
expressed at the events that led to his divorce from Minnie Williams Wilkinson.
(10)  Herman T. Wilkinson baby
picture, taken in 1906
(11)  Marie Wilkinson (L) and
Herman Wilkinson (R), taken
circa 1907.
Jim Wilkinson